How to Remove Tea Stains from Cups and Mugs Effectively

One of the problems that you as a true tea lover will find is those annoying brown stains that won’t leave your fancy teacups or mugs. They surely make your lovely ceramics look so ugly.

How to Remove Tea Stains
Photo by Conger Design on Pixabay

You can blame those molecules contained in the tea that cause those stains on your mugs. When the organic chemistry of the tea reacts with oxygen, the stain will form and the longer you leave it, the harder it can get removed.

But no worries, you can actually clean those brown stains caused by the tea all by yourself by using easy home supplies. You don’t have to purchase any expensive cleaners.

Below, we share with you a quick tutorial on How to Remove Tea Stains from Cups and Mugs that you can follow easily in no time.

How to Remove Tea Stains from Cups and Mugs

Cleaning with Baking Soda

Yes, baking soda is the most used kitchen supply that can do a great job to clean almost everything, including the tea stains on your cups and mugs. You won’t have to worry about baking soda damaging those lovely ceramics since it’s mild abrasive.

Prepare these supplies:

  • Baking soda, the amount depends on your needs
  • Microfiber cloth or sponge

Follow these steps:

  • Wet the inside part of your teacups with cold water. This is to make the baking soda stick on the surface of the teacups.
  • Sprinkle a layer of baking soda until it covers all the stains inside the teacups.
  • Leave it for a few minutes, then wipe it using a sponge or cloth. You need to add a bit of pressure while wiping it so the stains will get off.
  • Wash the teacups as usual.
  • If the stains are severe enough, you might need to repeat this step several times.

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Cleaning with Salt and Vinegar

You might think that it sounds silly to use those natural ingredients for fish and chips to remove the tea stains from your mugs and cups. Don’t underestimate their collaboration in handling this job, they can really get it done. Of course, as natural materials, they are so safe to use.

Prepare these supplies:

  • Regular table salt
  • White vinegar
  • Microfiber cloth or sponge

Follow these steps:

  • Wet the inside part of your teacups with white vinegar. This is to make the table salt stick on the surface of the teacups.
  • Sprinkle a layer of salt until it covers all the stains inside the teacups.
  • Leave it for a few minutes, then wipe it using a sponge or cloth. You need to add a bit of pressure while wiping it so the stains will get off.
  • Wash the teacups and mugs thoroughly so the smell or taste of the vinegar won’t affect your tea.

Cleaning tea stains in your teacups is a piece of cake. You just need to use some easily available kitchen stuff and get the job done in no time.

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